Today the Co-Presidents of the LGBT Intergroup tabled two priority written questions on the recent violence at Split Pride in Croatia, and how these would influence accession negotiations with Croatia.
Tags: croatia enlargement european commission european council hate violenceOn 11 June, the first LGBT pride march in Split, Croatia, was met with violence from a crowd of an estimated 2,000-10,000 right-wing extremists. The police failed to protect participants adequately; at least six activists and journalists were taken to …
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A music concert was met by homophobic violence in the Montenegrin capital, Podgorica. During a performance by artist Lollobrigida on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, unknown groups threw teargas cans in the crowd, forcing half of the …
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The Intergroup on LGBT Rights met yesterday in Strasbourg to discuss LGBT people’s fundamental rights in ‘newer’ EU Member States (those having joined after 2004). Members of the European Parliament came to discuss the situation for LGBT people in Slovakia, …
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Today the European Parliament adopted its annual progress report on the accession of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the European Union, asking the country to outlaw discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation.
Tags: anti-discrimination enlargement macedoniaToday the European Parliament adopted two resolutions on Turkey and Montenegro’s progress towards joining the European Union. The Parliament said that more steps are required to bring the two countries in line with EU standards in the field of non‑discrimination.
Tags: enlargement montenegro turkeyTune in as our guests discuss the situation for minorities in Croatia, the role of the Church in Croatian politics, and what the European Parliament can do for human rights in the country.
Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in all areas related to the European Union, including fundamental rights in each of the four candidate countries (Croatia, …
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