Podcast: LGBT rights in Croatia

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

On 16 February 2011, the European Parliament adopted the 2010 Progress Report on Croatia’s accession to the European Union. The report accurately reflects the situation for minorities in Croatia, including LGBT people, and was adopted with a wide majority—even though centre-right MEPs tried to delete references to LGBT rights.

For the February episode of our Podcast, we hosted Franziska Brantner MEP, Shadow Rapporteur on Croatia for The Greens/EFA, and Ivo Vajgl, Shadow Rapporteur on Croatia for the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in Europe.

Tune in as our guests discuss the situation for minorities in Croatia, the role of the Church in Croatian politics, and what the European Parliament can do for human rights in the country.

LGBT Intergroup Podcast


Posted in: Podcast, Recent news

