Tags: roadmap


Council LGBTI Conclusions are Trojan horse: legitimising homophobia

Last Thursday, the Council of the European Union adopted its conclusions on LGBTI equality. It is the first time ever that the Council adopts a document addressing LGBTI equality. An earlier attempt by the Council to reach Conclusions on LGBTI … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on June 22nd, 2016

MEPs welcome Member States’ support to Commission’s actions on LGBTI equality, deplore opposition of Hungary

This Monday, the Council (i.e. Ministers of the Member States), failed to reach agreement on a common response to the Commission’s “List of Actions to advance LGBTI equality“. Nearly all Member States had expressed their support for the List of … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on March 9th, 2016
General view of MEPs in Plenary Chamber

European Parliament calls for coherence EU’s internal & external human rights policy

Last week, the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report takes account of the situation of human rights, including of LGBTI people, and makes recommendations accordingly. The report starts off by stating that … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 21st, 2015

European Commission publishes List of Actions to advance LGBTI Equality

Yesterday, Commissioner for Justice and Gender Equality Věra Jourová presented a List of actions by the Commission to advance LGBTI Equality in the EPSCO Council, where the EU Ministers responsible for employment and social policy meet. The list is to … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 8th, 2015
Rainbow Europe

Parliament demands EU action on LGBTI rights

Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted a new comprehensive report on fundamental rights in the EU. Defying an attempt by the EPP group to adopt an alternative report which would have deleted nearly all content on LGBTI rights and other relevant human … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on September 9th, 2015
European Parliament

Despite opposition, European Parliament votes for LGBTI rights in EU Gender equality strategy

In a landmark vote, the European Parliament has demanded to include LGBTI rights in a future EU gender equality strategy. The current strategy for equality between women and men runs out at the end of this year. The report voted … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on June 10th, 2015

Commissioner Jourová committed to LGBTI action plan in 2015

In a debate with the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) on Tuesday, Justice commissioner Vera Jourová confirmed her commitment to create a roadmap or action plan on LGBTI rights. In response to oral questions by Sophie … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on May 28th, 2015
#EP2014 Act React Impact

#EP2014: Why does this election matter for LGBTI rights?

Starting today, the 8th direct election to the European Parliament will determine the EU’s action over the next five years, including in the field of fundamental rights for LGBTI people. In the period 2014-2019, the European Parliament will play a … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on May 22nd, 2014
#LGBTvotes 5 EU LGBT Roadmap (Lunacek Report)

LGBT votes in 2009-2014: EU Roadmap against homophobia (5/5)

During the 2009-2014 legislature, MEPs voted on LGBT issues over 250 times. In the run-up to the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia on 17 May, we’ll publish a series of 6 infographics summarising political groups’ votes on key LGBT issues. In … 
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Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news on May 16th, 2014
10 years of LGBT rights

Summary: 2009-2019, 10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, Failures, Challenges

On 5 March, the LGBT Intergroup held a seminar “10 years of LGBT rights: Successes, failures, challenges.” Under the chairing of Ulrike Lunacek, Co-President of the LGBT Intergroup, civil society representatives, MEPs and the EEAS discussed both concrete achievements of the last five years, and issues to be tackled after the 2014 elections.

Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news on March 14th, 2014