Tags: anti-discrimination directive

Open mic

MEPs and NGOs join open mic on anniversary of the Horizontal Directive

On 5 September 2018, MEPs, NGOs and citizens joined together for an open mic in ‘celebration’ of the 10th year Anniversary of the Horizotal Directive. Organised jointly by the LGBTI Intergroup, the ARDI Intergroup, the Youth Intergroup and the Children … 
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Posted in: News stories, Press releases, Recent news on September 6th, 2018
European Parliament - Rainbow

European Parliament takes a stance against LGBTI conversion therapies for the first time

Today the European Parliament adopted its Annual report on the situation of fundamental rights in the EU. The report assesses how fundamental rights were implemented in the EU in 2016, and what must still be done to reach the standards … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on March 1st, 2018

European Parliament calls for further protection LGBTI people at work

In a report on the implementation of the EU’s Employment Equality Directive, the European parliament has called for further measures to improve the protection of LGBTI people at the work floor, and beyond. The Directive, which was adopted in 2001, … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on September 19th, 2016
FRA legal report HOmophobia and Transphobia

New report on legal situation LGBTI people in the EU

This Monday, the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency released an updated EU-wide legal analysis: ‘Protection against discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics in the European Union: Comparative legal analysis’ The report presents legal evolutions in … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 16th, 2015
European Parliament

Despite opposition, European Parliament votes for LGBTI rights in EU Gender equality strategy

In a landmark vote, the European Parliament has demanded to include LGBTI rights in a future EU gender equality strategy. The current strategy for equality between women and men runs out at the end of this year. The report voted … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on June 10th, 2015

Despite opposition, Parliament takes stock of LGBT equality in new report

Today the European Parliament voted its annual report on fundamental rights in the European Union. The report includes an extensive overview of the situation of LGBT people, and what action is needed to reach the standards laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on February 27th, 2014
TAVARES Rui and Viktor ORBÁN

Plenary summary: Anti-discrimination Directive, Roadmap, Hungary, Lithuania, Nigeria

During its July 2013 plenary session, the European Parliament adopted resolutions mentioning the anti-discrimination directive, the LGBTI Roadmap, as well as LGBT rights in Hungary and Nigeria. MEPs also quizzed the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council about Baltic Pride.

Posted in: News stories, Recent news on July 4th, 2013
Proposal for a Directive

Press conference: EU anti-discrimination law still stalled after 5 years, MEPs regret

Today marks five years since the European Commission proposed a law banning discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation, but also age, disability and religion, outside of employment. National governments are blocking the proposal.

Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news on July 2nd, 2013
The Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU

EU Court of Justice: Preliminary ruling on homophobic statement by Romanian football club owner

Yesterday the Court of Justice of the European Union issued a preliminary ruling on the responsibility of employers in the case of homophobic or discriminatory statements. George Becali, a former Romanian MEP notorious for his homophobic statements and currently owner of … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on April 26th, 2013
Viviane Reding - Debate on racism and xenophobia

The European Parliament wants to outlaw homophobic crime and speech in the EU

Today the European Parliament adopted a non-binding resolution on strengthening the fight against racism, xenophobia and hate crime. The text calls on the European Commission to add homophobia and transphobia to the list of EU-sanctioned hate speech and violence.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on March 14th, 2013