Press releases

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Open letter to Tunisian government: stop torture & arrests of homosexual men

In November 2018, the human rights NGO Human Rights Watch published multiple accounts of men who were arrested, prosecuted and detained for homosexuality. Several men report being subjected to forced anal examinations, having their phones and social media searched. One … 
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Posted in: News stories, Press releases, Recent news on January 18th, 2019

New detentions of LGBTI people in Chechnya: Russia needs to take action

A new wave of arrests, persecution and torture against (perceived) LGBTI people in Chechnya has started in Chechnya since December 2018. 40 people, both men and women, have been detained – and at least two were killed, according the Russian LGBT … 
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Posted in: News stories, Press releases, Recent news on January 15th, 2019

European Parliament calls for respect of LGBTI rights worldwide

Last week the European Parliament adopted its Annual report on human rights and democracy in the world 2017 and the EU policy on the matter. The report assess the situation of human rights around the world in 2017 and what the … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 17th, 2018

MEPs unite for Human Rights on 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

For the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, co-chairs of several human rights Intergroups of the European Parliament get together with a simple message: in 2018, universal human rights still need to be fought for.   2018 … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 10th, 2018

LGBTI rights are still key to EU integration, says European Parliament

The European Parliament adopted on 29 November 2018 its annual reports on five candidate and potential candidate countries. The reports call on Northern Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania, Kosovo and Albania to strengten their efforts to address discrimination, violence and hate speech … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on November 29th, 2018

MEPs write to Polish Minister of Education about Rainbow Friday

On 26 October 2018, Rainbow Friday, a day dedicated to raising awareness about LGBTI rights in schools in Poland, took place for the 3rd consecutive year. Schools who were organising events on this day across the country were subjectf the … 
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Posted in: News stories, Press releases, Recent news on November 13th, 2018
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MEPs write to Romanian Prime Minister: protect all families

In light of the upcoming constitutional referendum in Romania, aiming to change the definition of family as marriage between a man and a woman, Members of the European Parliament write to Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă. TO: Honorable Viorica Dăncilă Prime … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on October 2nd, 2018
Open mic

MEPs and NGOs join open mic on anniversary of the Horizontal Directive

On 5 September 2018, MEPs, NGOs and citizens joined together for an open mic in ‘celebration’ of the 10th year Anniversary of the Horizotal Directive. Organised jointly by the LGBTI Intergroup, the ARDI Intergroup, the Youth Intergroup and the Children … 
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Posted in: News stories, Press releases, Recent news on September 6th, 2018

MEPs to Federica Mogherini: Russia must protect its LGBTI citizens

On 7 August 2018, 16 year old Maxim Nederov was condemned for “homosexual propaganda” in Russia. LGBTI Intergroup co-chair Daniele Viotti and vice-president Sophie in’t Veld write to Federica Mogherini to enquire about EU’s follow-up on Russia’s commitment to protect … 
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Posted in: Press releases on August 8th, 2018

Trans identities no longer considered a mental disorder in WHO’s ICD-11

In the new International Classification of Diseases released on 18 June 2018, trans identities are not considered are mental disorders anymore. « Gender incongruence »was removed out of the chapter on mental disorders, and inserted into a chapter on sexual … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on June 19th, 2018