Earlier this year, Members of the LGBT Intergroup asked the European Commission if Hungary’s new law on religion was compatible with EU non-discrimination law. The Commission answered that it was unsure, and that it will find out whether the law abides …
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Tomorrow the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will hold a special hearing: ‘Unblocking the Anti-Discrimination Directive’.
Tags: anti-discrimination directiveThe European Parliament adopted its annual progress reports on the accession of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Both countries are invited to do more for LGBT people’s human rights before they may join the EU.
Tags: bosniaandherzegovina enlargement macedoniaOn Wednesday Ulrike Lunacek, Green Austrian MEP and Co-president of the LGBT Intergroup, slammed the Prime Minister of Hungary for his treatment of LGBT people.
Tags: hungaryOn the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Presidents of the Intergroup published a column on their current work. It appeared on EUobserver.com on the International Day Against Homophobia, and later in issue 329 of the Parliament Magazine distributed …
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In a shocking letter to the President of the European Parliament, the Ambassador of Uganda in Brussels asserts that David Kato “should share responsibility in this very unfortunate incident”. A highly-respected and recognised human rights defender in Uganda, David Kato …
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Yesterday the European Parliament adopted resolutions on EU relations with Iran, and EU action at the United Nations’ Human Rights Council currently meeting in Geneva. Both resolutions reaffirm the European Parliament’s commitment to upholding LGBT people’s human rights worldwide.
Tags: decriminalisation iran united nationsToday is the 100th anniversary of a global day to recall women’s struggle to secure fundamental rights in all areas of life; to celebrate the many achievements of women activists; and to point to today’s many remaining shortcomings. On this …
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Following the Budapest police refusal to allow the LGBT Pride march, the Metropolitan Court of Budapest ruled this refusal to be unfounded. It examined whether the extension of the route effectively blocked traffic and impeded upon EU Presidency events in …
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Responding to a statement by parliamentarians from African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, the European Parliament reaffirmed the importance of working jointly against all kinds of intolerance, including on grounds of sexual orientation or religion.
Tags: acp decriminalisationacp anti-discrimination anti-discrimination directive asylum bosniaandherzegovina charter of fundamental rights croatia decriminalisation eeas enlargement EU neighbourhood policy european commission european council european court of human rights freedom of assembly freedom of expression freedom of movement fundamental rights agency hate crime hate speech hate violence hungary idaho intersex kosovo LGBT toolkit lithuania macedonia moldova montenegro nigeria non-discrimination parliamentary question poland pride propaganda law roadmap russia serbia transgender turkey uganda ukraine united nations women's rights