On Friday the Serbian government banned the Belgrade Pride Parade which was due to take place the following day, quoting “serious threats to the peace and public order.”
Tags: enlargement freedom of assembly pride serbiaLast week the European Parliament adopted five of its annual progress reports for candidate and potential candidate EU countries. MEPs addressed recommendations on LGBT rights to Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo and Turkey.
Tags: croatia enlargement kosovo montenegro serbia turkeyThe European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important information on the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in those 9 countries. Both positive and negative developments are noted.
Tags: albania bosniaandherzegovina croatia enlargement iceland kosovo macedonia montenegro serbia turkeySerbia’s Ministry of Interior announced today they would ban this year’s Belgrade Pride, just three days before it was due to take place. The ban repeats last year’s experience, when authorities declined authorising the event out of ‘safety concerns’.
Tags: enlargement freedom of assembly freedom of expression serbiaThree Members of the European Parliament will attend this year’s Belgrade Pride. Marije Cornelissen, Jelko Kacin and Keith Taylor will meet with organisers, the LGBT community, and the EU Delegation to Serbia. After a week of events, the pride march …
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On Thursday 29 March the European Parliament adopted its annual enlargement progress reports for Turkey, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo. All resolutions require more progress in the field of LGBT rights.
Tags: enlargement kosovo montenegro serbia turkeyThe Serbian LGBT pride march Parada Ponosa, due to take place on Sunday in the capital, was banned today by the National Security Council. The Council announced it would forbid the pride march, as well as three far-right counter-protests that …
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Today the European Commission released its annual reports on the progress made towards accessing the EU. The documents assess recent evolutions in all areas related to the European Union, including fundamental rights in each of the four candidate countries (Croatia, …
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The Intergroup wrote today to Serbian authorities, welcoming the full authorisation given to Belgrade Pride, as well as their supporting the event. Among participants, EU Ambassador Vincent Degert and Member of the European Parliament Marije Cornelissen will take part in …
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