Tomorrow the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) will start working on a new strategy against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity. The debate can be watched live online from …
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Today the European Parliament adopted a new comprehensive report on fundamental rights in the EU. The document includes an extensive snapshot of the situation for LGBT people.
Tags: charter of fundamental rights depathologisation european commission freedom of assembly freedom of movement hate crime non-discrimination roadmap transgenderThis week the European Parliament released a study on a potential EU roadmap for LGBT equality. Such an EU action plan would draw together new laws and policies to strengthen equality and non-discrimination for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people …
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Today the European Parliament adopted its annual report on human rights in the world, paying close attention to EU action for the human rights of LGBT people. The report also comments on a range of new measures, including the creation …
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The European Parliament has just adopted its annual report on equality between women and men in the European Union. The text looks at recent advances in gender equality, and includes several recommendations for LGBT rights.
Tags: anti-discrimination directive freedom of movement hate violence roadmap women's rights