In March 2018, the Latvian Parliament dismissed a petition for introduction of partnership legislation which would recognise all unmarried couples, including same-sex couples. This is the second time the Saeima rejected such an initiative. Members of the LGBTI Intergroup write …
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With a large majority (430 for, 105 against), the European Parliament has adopted a resolution to condemn homophobic laws and discrimination in Europe.
Tags: eeas european commission european council freedom of assembly freedom of expression freedom of movement hate crime homophobia hungary latvia LGBT families lithuania moldova non-discrimination propaganda law russia transphobia ukraineMembers of the European Parliament are increasingly concerned that several gay pride marches are being cancelled around Europe. These events face violence more often than in previous years, and are increasingly criminalised by laws that forbid publicly supporting LGBT rights.
Tags: freedom of assembly freedom of expression hungary latvia lithuania moldova propaganda law russia ukraine