Tags: indonesia

Commissioner Catherine Ashton

Response to the parliamentary question on violence in Surabaya, Indonesia

The European Commission replied to a parliamentary question on hate violence that prevented ILGA Asia’s 4th conference from taking place in Indonesia: The Commission is aware of the forced closure of the fourth Asia regional conference of the International Lesbian, … 
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Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news on June 3rd, 2010
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Parliamentary question to the Commission: Action with regard to mob violence in Surabaya, Indonesia

Written parliamentary question asked to the European Commission by: Michael Cashman (UK, S&D) Ulrike Lunacek (Austria, Greens/EFA) Raül Romeva i Rueda (Spain, Greens/EFA) Sirpa Pietikäinen (Finland, EPP) Marije Cornelissen (Netherlands, Greens/EFA)

Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news on April 22nd, 2010