On Tuesday the European Parliament reaffirmed that the effects of civil documents (birth and death certificates, marriage certificates, etc.) must remain the same throughout the European Union. This implies that all couples, including same-sex couples in marriages or civil partnerships …
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On the 21st October 2010, the LGBT Intergroup held a meeting in Strasbourg to discuss the mutual recognition of same-sex marriages and civil partnerships in the EU.
Tags: european commission free movementYesterday night, Members of the European Parliament including Intergroup Presidents Michael Cashman, Sophie in’t Veld, Ulrike Lunacek and Raül Romeva told the Commissioner for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship that more must be done to uphold same-sex couples’ fundamental rights …
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In a memo published yesterday, the European Commission failed to mention the mutual recognition of same-sex unions across EU borders as a priority for its 2010-2014 Stockholm Programme. The Stockholm Programme lays down the Commission’s policies in the areas of …
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The European Parliament today adopted a resolution on the Multi-annual programme 2010-2014 regarding the area of freedom, security and justice, known as the Stockholm Programme. By adopting this text, the European Parliament is calling on Member States “without prejudice to …
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