Today President of Uganda Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill into law, worsening the situation for LGBT people dramatically. The new law seeks to vastly expand the criminalisation of the LGBTI community.
Tags: acp decriminalisation ugandaThis morning, the Decriminalisation of Homosexuality Bill passed the Parliament of the northern part of Cyprus. The northern part of Cyprus was the last territory in Europe where homosexuality was still a crime.
Tags: cyprus decriminalisation hate speechIn a resolution adopted yesterday, the European Parliament strongly condemned recent moves to criminalise LGBTI people in Uganda, Nigeria and India. Parliament also called on Russia to repeal its law prohibiting the propaganda of ‘non-traditional sexual relations’. Earlier this month, Nigeria’s President …
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On Tuesday 17 December, the Senate of Nigeria adopted the ‘Same-sex marriage (prohibition) bill’, criminalising displays of affection, people in a same-sex marriage (including tourists), and anyone arguing in favour of LGBT people’s human rights. Today, the Ugandan Parliament also …
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Yesterday, the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report reviews the situation of human rights (including the human rights of LGBTI persons) worldwide, and makes annual recommendations for EU action. Initially drafted by Eduard …
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The European Parliament has just adopted its seven-year financial programme to support democracy and human rights in the world. In the period 2014-2020, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights will specifically seek to fund projects and organisations working for the human rights …
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India’s Supreme Court today ruled to re-criminalise same-sex intercourse. This major human rights setback means citizens in the 1.2 billion nation can again be arrested and prosecuted on the basis of consensual same-sex activity.
Tags: decriminalisation India non-discriminationLast week the European Parliament gave its legal consent to the updated Cotonou Agreement, a multilateral treaty between the EU and African, Caribbean and Pacific states. The Parliament expressed strong reservations about human rights.
Tags: acp decriminalisationOn Thursday 30 May, Nigeria’s parliament adopted the ‘Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill’, a law that foresees up to 14 years’ imprisonment for gay, lesbian and bisexual people who marry or display affection. This is the harshest piece of legislation against …
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The European Parliament has adopted a resolution on violence against lesbian women and LGBTI rights in Africa. The Parliament is reacting to an increase in arrests and violence against LGBTI people, and particularly lesbian women, on the continent.
Tags: acp cameroon decriminalisation liberia malawi nigeria south africa swaziland uganda