Yesterday, the EU’s Fundamental Rights Agency launched a focus paper on the fundamental rights situation of intersex* people. The Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights also published a research paper on human rights and intersex people. Both papers share …
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On March 26, the Kyrgyz Parliament published a draft bill, proposing to impose tough sanctions for anyone speaking or acting in a way that creates “a positive attitude toward nontraditional sexual relations”.
Tags: council of europe freedom of assembly freedom of speech kyrgyzstan propaganda lawTogether with ARTICLE 19 and ILGA-Europe, the LGBT Intergroup organised a seminar Responding to homophobic and transphobic hate speech. Under the chairing of Vice-President of the LGBT Intergroup Sophie in ‘t Veld, several experts and policy-makers took the floor.
Tags: council of europe european court of human rights hate speechMembers of the European Parliament have welcomed the publication of a new report by the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity in Europe.
Tags: council of europe