Uganda Constitutional Court: Anti-Homosexuality Act is unconstitutional

Friday, 1 August 2014

In a landmark ruling, the Constitutional Court of Uganda nullified the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Act.

Ugandan FlagThe Court argued that procedural rules were not followed when Parliament passed the bill in December, as not enough lawmakers had been present at the vote.

The now void Anti-Homosexuality Act foresaw life imprisonment for consensual same-sex activity. ‘Promotion of homosexuality’ carried a maximum of 7 years imprisonment.

Ulrike Lunacek and Daniele Viotti, Members of the European Parliament for Greens/EFA and S&D, reacted to the ruling: “Today’s ruling is a victory for Uganda and a triumph for human rights.”

“We congratulate those who have worked so hard in Uganda to fight this hateful law. Finally, this law, which had already shown vast negative consequences, ceases to exist.”

Dennis de Jong and Tanja Fajon,  Members of the European Parliament for GUE/NGL and S&D, continued: “This is a wonderful day for LGBT people in Uganda and those who are defending their rights.”

“However, the struggle is not over: under the penal code, homosexuality remains a crime, as in almost 80 other countries around the globe. We call on all these countries to stop criminalising LGBT people and respect human rights of all of its citizens.”


Posted in: Press releases, Recent news

