Plenary summary: SRHR, Human rights in the Sahel, speech by the EU High Representative

Thursday, 24 October 2013

During its October 2013 plenary session, the European Parliament sent back a report on sexual and reproductive health and rights, yet adopted a resolution on human rights in the Sahel region, including LGBT rights.
Catherine ASHTON at the Foreign Affairs Council
Furthermore, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton emphasised the EU’s efforts to further LGBTI rights in its foreign policy.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights report sent back

The report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights was regrettably sent back to committee. Read our earlier press release here.

Human rights in the Sahel region

In its resolution on human rights in the Sahel region, the Parliament evaluated, amongst others, the societal and political acceptance of LGBT people.

The resolution welcomes positive developments concerning legal status of same-sex relationships in some countries, and expresses concern over the societal discrimination, criminalisation of LGBT relationships as well as ‘public indecency’ laws (Paragraph 88 of the resolution on the situation of human rights in the Sahel region).

Speech of Catherine Ashton on EU foreign policy, including LGBT

In her speech, High Representative Catherine Ashton highlighted the main aspects and basic choices in the EU’s foreign policy, and presented the annual report on the common foreign and security policy to the European Parliament.

She stressed the importance of the guidelines on the promotion and protection of the enjoyment of all human rights by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people, and called this a central aspect in the EU’s external action.


Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news

