Plenary summary: MEPs urge Member States to speak out for LGBTI people at United Nations

Friday, 4 April 2014

In the mini-plenary which took place in Brussels on Wednesday and Thursday, MEPs called for recognition of the effects of civil status documents in the whole EU and protested against increased criminalisation of LGBT people in Africa, on which we reported yesterday.World flags

Furthermore, the Parliament recommended the EU Member States to speak out for LGBTI people at the United Nations General Assembly.

LGBTI rights at United Nations General Assembly

In a recommendation adopted yesterday, the European Parliament calls on EU Member States to speak out for LGBTI rights at the United Nations General Assembly, which will convene  in September 2014.

The Parliament expresses concern over “the recent increase in discriminatory laws and practices, and acts of violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity.”

The recommendation further calls for close monitoring of the situation in Nigeria and Uganda, where severe anti-LGBT laws were adopted recently.

On Wednesday, MEPs already staged a highly unusual action in plenary, calling on the EU/Africa Summit to end LGBT hate, on which we reported yesterday.


Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news

