Public hearing on the anti-discrimination Directive

Monday, 19 March 2012

Tomorrow the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs will hold a special hearing: ‘Unblocking the Anti-Discrimination Directive’.

This text would outlaw discrimination based on several grounds, including sexual orientation, in fields such as education, access to goods and services, or healthcare. The Directive was proposed by the European Commission in 2008 and approved by the European Parliament in 2009.

Since 2008, the Council of the European Union (representing the 27 governments) which is responsible for its adoption, has never formally examined the text.

Poster LIBE Hearing Anti-Discrimination Directive

Speakers include the Danish Presidency of the Council, the European Commission, and non-governmental organisations. The meeting will be webstreamed live, and can be watched on the website of the European Parliament.

You can also download the full programme of the event.

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Posted in: News stories, Recent news

