Upcoming event: LGBTI Rights in the Western Balkans

Monday, 26 January 2015

On Wednesday 4 February, the Intergroup on LGBTI rights will host a conference on LGBTI Rights in the Western Balkans. Registration is now open.

The meeting is part of a conference organised by KU Leuven University (Leuven, Belgium) and Queen Mary University (London, UK).

Speakers will include Emina Bosnjak from the Sarajevo Open Centre, MEPs active on the Western Balkans,  Björn van Roozendaal from  ILGA Europe, and numerous researchers. The full programme can be found here.

The meeting will take place in Brussels, and is open to the public. Please register by Thursday 29 January through this link if you need an access badge.

Poster LGBTI Rights in the Western Balkans


Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news

