Seminar: Trans and intersex people – Challenges for EU law

Monday, 3 September 2012

Following the publication of a new report on trans and intersex people under EU law, the LGBT Intergroup will host a seminar to present the report and discuss its findings with the authors, MEPs, institutions and civil society.

Poster - Trans and intersex people, challenges for EU law

How does the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the EU cover transgender people? What are some of the best practices in Member States? How will EU law and policy evolve in the next few years in relation to intersex issues? A panel of experts will examine these questions:

  • Silvan Agius, Co-author of the report
  • Andréas Stein, Head of the Equal treatment legislation Unit, DG Justice, European Commission
  • Pirkko Mäkinen, Finnish Ombudswoman for Equality
  • Richard Köhler, Transgender Europe
  • Dan Christian Ghattas, Organisation Intersex International-Germany
  • MEPs coordinators of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in the European Parliament

The seminar will take place in the European Parliament (in Brussels) on Wednesday 26 September, from 13.00 to 15.00. The event is public; if you are in or around Brussels, please register before 20 September to attend.

Read more:


Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news

