News for 2013

Responding to homophobic and transphobic hate speech event

Summary: Responding to homophobic and transphobic hate speech

Together with ARTICLE 19 and ILGA-Europe, the LGBT Intergroup organised a seminar Responding to homophobic and transphobic hate speech. Under the chairing of Vice-President of the LGBT Intergroup Sophie in ‘t Veld, several experts and policy-makers took the floor.

Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news on October 24th, 2013
Achieving the right to health - small

Upcoming Intergroup event: Achieving the right to health of LGBTI people

On Wednesday 6 November, the LGBT Intergroup will host a hearing on the challenges and obstacles LGBTI people face in accessing necessary health care. The event is co-organized by ILGA-Europe, UNAIDS and the Working Group on Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS, and Development in the European Parliament, and aims to create a better understanding of adequate policy responses to guarantee the right to health of LGBTI people.

Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news on October 23rd, 2013
Edite ESTRELA MEP, Rapporteur

Religious and political conservatives block vote on reproductive health and rights report

Members of the European Parliament were due to vote on a report on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights today. Instead, intense lobbying by right-wing religious and political conservatives mustered enough support to send the report back to the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on October 22nd, 2013
Commissioner Štefan Füle

New EU accession reports: LGBT rights in the Western Balkans and Turkey

The European Commission’s annual reports on accession countries were published yesterday, and include important and extensive information on the situation of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in those 8 countries. More so than previous years, the Commission reported extensively on problems of discrimination and violence against LGBTI people throughout all accession reports.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on October 17th, 2013
Moldovan flag

MEPs welcome the annulment of Moldovan ‘Propaganda Law’

Members of the European Parliament are welcoming the decision by the Moldovan Parliament to annul the law prohibiting the “propagation of any other relations than those related to marriage or family”. Adopted by surprise only three months ago, the annulment of this law brings Moldova back on track for closer relations with the European Union.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on October 15th, 2013

Turkey’s Democracy Reform Package fails LGBT citizens

Last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan presented a ‘Democracy reform package’. Unfortunately, the package leaves out measures that would protect LGBT people from violence and discrimination.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on October 14th, 2013
Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU

Live: European Parliament debates homophobia and xenophobia in Russia

Tomorrow morning the European Parliament will debate the increase in homophobia and xenophobia in Russia. Members of the European Parliament will discuss what the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs did so far.

Posted in: Parliamentary work, Recent news on October 9th, 2013
Logo Belgrade Pride 2013

Belgrade Pride banned for third year sends wrong signal for accession, MEPs say

On Friday the Serbian government banned the Belgrade Pride Parade which was due to take place the following day, quoting “serious threats to the peace and public order.”

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on September 30th, 2013
Hate speech

Upcoming Intergroup event: Responding to hate speech

On Tuesday 8 October, the LGBT Intergroup will host an event on legal and policy responses to homophobic and transphobic hate speech in Europe. Co-organised by ARTICLE 19 and ILGA-Europe, the seminar will introduce a new policy briefing: Responding to “hate speech” against LGBTI people.

Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news on September 30th, 2013
Elisabeth Schroedter MEP

European Parliament Committee rejects report on discrimination at work

The European Parliament Committee on Employment and Social Affairs has just rejected a draft report on discrimination at work, judging it was imbalanced and weakly worded.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on September 26th, 2013