News for December, 2013

Nigerian flag

Nigeria and Uganda adopt harsh anti-LGBT laws in same week

On Tuesday 17 December, the Senate of Nigeria adopted the ‘Same-sex marriage (prohibition) bill’, criminalising displays of affection, people in a same-sex marriage (including tourists), and anyone arguing in favour of LGBT people’s human rights. Today, the Ugandan Parliament also … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 20th, 2013
LIBE committee meeting

Committee on civil liberties adopts recommendation for an EU roadmap against homophobia

This morning, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) adopted an own initiative report on an EU Roadmap against homophobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 17th, 2013
Commissioner Viviane Reding

European Commission Vice-President boycotts Sochi over minority rights

Viviane Reding, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Justice, Fundamental Rights and Citizenship, has announced that she would not attend the Olympic Games in Russia this winter. On Monday, she tweeted that she would “certainly not go to Sochi as long as minorities are treated the way they are under the current Russian legislation”.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 16th, 2013
The Court of Justice of the European Union CJEU

EU Court of Justice: Same-sex partners must have same work benefits as married couples

Last Thursday the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that an employee entering a same-sex civil partnership should receive the same benefits as an employee entering a marriage, in the absence of same-sex marriage.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 16th, 2013
Maria Eleni KOPPA and Barbara LOCHBIHLER

Human rights in the world: Parliament’s annual report points to serious abuses for LGBTI people

Yesterday, the European Parliament voted its annual report on human rights in the world. The report reviews the situation of human rights (including the human rights of LGBTI persons) worldwide, and makes annual recommendations for EU action. Initially drafted by Eduard … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 12th, 2013
EIDHR cartoon

European Parliament adopts financial package to promote human rights in the world in 2014-2020

The European Parliament has just adopted its seven-year financial programme to support democracy and human rights in the world. In the period 2014-2020, the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights will specifically seek to fund projects and organisations working for the human rights … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 11th, 2013
India flag

Indian Supreme Court re-criminalises same-sex activity

India’s Supreme Court today ruled to re-criminalise same-sex intercourse. This major human rights setback means citizens in the 1.2 billion nation can again be arrested and prosecuted on the basis of consensual same-sex activity.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 11th, 2013
Edite Estrela MEP

European Parliament rejects resolution on sexual and reproductive health rights

Today the plenary of the European Parliament rejected a report on sexual and reproductive health rights. The text called for access to safe and legal abortion, non-discrimination, and the right to access healthcare and sexuality education.

Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 10th, 2013

European Parliament adopts EU financial package on rights and equality for 2014-2020

Today the European Parliament has adopted the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme for the period 2014-2020. The €439 million programme will contribute to combating homophobia and discrimination against transsexual persons. The programme merges three separate programmes that ran between 2007 … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 10th, 2013
Croatian flag

MEPs regret outcome of referendum banning same-sex marriage

In yesterday’s referendum, two thirds of voters in Croatia opted to define marriage as ‘matrimony between a man and a woman’ in the constitution. The outcome will make it harder to open marriage to all couples in the future. The … 
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Posted in: Press releases, Recent news on December 2nd, 2013