Today ten Members of the European Parliament asked the European Commission whether it planned to provide funding specifically to transgender organisations working in the EU, as well as at the national level in Member States.
Written parliamentary question to the European Commission by:
The 1996 P v S and Cornwall County Council judgment by the European Court of Justice affirmed that the principle of equal treatment between women and men enshrined in “the directive [76/207/EEC] precludes dismissal of a transsexual for a reason related to a gender reassignment.” Since then, this decision has been included as a guiding principle in the scope of the Gender Goods and Services Directive, recital 3 of the Gender Recast Directive, and has guided the inclusion of gender identity under the European Union Strategy for equality between women and men 2010-2015.
However, in spite of the above legislative framework, transgender people remain one of the communities facing the most discrimination within the European Union. In its 2010 report Homophobia, transphobia and discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, the Fundamental Rights Agency stated:
“While there is evidence to suggest that there is (albeit slow) progress towards better understanding of issues surrounding gender identity, this does not necessarily translate into improvements in the position of transgender people. They remain a marginalised and victimised group, which faces a high degree of stigmatisation, exclusion, and violence.” (p. 13)
Will the Commission allocate any earmarked funds to organisations working for equality and the fundamental rights of transgender people as part of current and future PROGRESS funding?
Will the Commission allocate funds to projects and initiatives promoting equality for transgender people at the national level?
Tags: european commissiontransgender
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