European Parliament internal note: Transgender Persons’ Rights in the EU Member States

Friday, 9 July 2010

European Parliament services have released an internal note, detailing transgender people’s rights in the EU Member States. The note, already downloadable here (PDF), will soon be available to the public on the Parliament’s website along with similar internal studies.European Parliament note on transgender rightsAs part of its policy-making work, the European Parliament regularly produces internal notes and studies to help committees in their legislative drafting. The Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs had requested a briefing on transgender rights via Raül Romeva i Rueda MEP, Vice-president of the Intergroup.

The briefing note details the situation of transgender people in the European Union based on legal sources, institutional documents and non-governmental sources. It includes a section on EU-wide anti-discrimination measures, gender reassignment procedures throughout the European Union, access to health care, freedom of movement and asylum issues, as well as the legal and social situation for transgender people in Turkey and Croatia.

The note includes a copy of the first European Parliament resolution on transgender rights dated 1989, and concludes with an exhaustive annex listing legal specificities in each Member State.

Download the note (PDF)

N.B.: As for all other notes produced by the European Parliament’s Directorate-General for Internal Policies, this document does not necessarily reflect the European Parliament’s position, nor that of the Intergroup on LGBT Rights.


Posted in: Intergroup documents, Recent news

